Gamidi # Gamidi Text Description Swara Variation Occurence
-1 - No Gamaka.
1 KS Starts with 1 swara below the entered note, goes up 2 swaras and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam r, the gamaka is sgr. Dheerasankarabaranam: R
2 LH Oscillates between the entered note and 1 swara above entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam n, the gamaka is nsns.
3 MT Starts with entered note, goes 1 swara below and ends with entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam g, the gamaka is grg. Dheerasankarabaranam: G
4 NV Starts with 2 swaras above the entered note and drifts down to the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam p, the gamaka is np. (AMS Ref No: 408-14) Dheerasankarabaranam: R Dheerasankarabaranam: P
5 PT Starts with 1 swara above the entered note, goes down to entered note and ends at 1 swara above the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam d, the gamaka is ndn. Dheerasankarabaranam: D
6 RH Oscillates between 1 swara above entered note and entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam n, the gamaka is SnSn. (AMS Ref No: 396-02)
7 SN Starts with 1 swara below the entered note, goes up 3 swaras and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Harikambhoji d, the gamaka is pSd. Harikambhoji: D
8 TR Starts with entered note, goes up 1 swara and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam r, the gamaka is rgr. (AMS Ref No: 446-52) Dheerasankarabaranam: R
9 UR Starts with 2 swaras below the entered note and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Harikambhoji p, the gamaka is gp. Harikambhoji: P
10 VN Starts with 3 swaras below the entered note and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Harikambhoji d, the gamaka is gd. Harikambhoji: D
11 DW Starts with 2 swaras above the entered note and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Harikambhoji d, the gamaka is Sd. Harikambhoji: D
12 VS Oscillates between 1 swara above the entered note and 1 swara below the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam m, the gamaka is pgpg. (AMS Ref No: 424-30) Dheerasankarabaranam: M
13 RM Oscillates between 1 swara below the entered note and 1 swara above the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam m, the gamaka is (g.p(gpg)) (AMS Ref No: 450-56) Dheerasankarabaranam: M
14 SJ Starts with 2 swaras below the entered note, goes up 1 swaras and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam g, the gamaka is smg..
15 KN Starts with 1 swara below the entered note, goes up 2 swaras and ends at the entered note. Similar to Kaushika except for the timing of swaras. (AMS Ref No: 413-19 (prev alphabet s). Dheerasankarabaranam: R Dheerasankarabaranam: D
16 MI Starts 1 swara above entered note, goes down to entered note and ends with 1 swara above entered note. Ex: For karaharapriya g, the gamaka is mg.m (AMS Ref No: 420-26) Dheerasankarabaranam: D
17 KV Oscilates between 1 swara below entered note and entered note. Ex: For r, the gamaka is srsr. (AMS Ref No: 395-01) Dheerasankarabaranam: M
18 BV Starts 1 swara below entered note, goes up 2 swaras and ends almost at the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam m1, the gamaka is gp(m2). (AMS Ref No: 414-20) Dheerasankarabaranam: M
19 NY Starts with entered note and ends 1 swara above entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam R, the gamaka is RG
20 ND Starts with 1 swara above the entered note and drifts down to the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam m, the gamaka is pm.
21 VL Starts with 1 swara below entered note, goes up to 1 swara above entered note and ends with 1 swara below entered note. For Sankarabharanam m, the gamaka is gpg.
22 JP Starts with 5 swaras below entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam d, the gamaka is s.d
23 JC Starts with 4 swaras below entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam d, the gamaka is r.d
24 JT Starts with 3 swaras below entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam d, the gamaka is g.d
25 PM Starts 2 swaras below entered note, goes up 1 swara above entered note, then goes down to entered note and goes up 1 swara above entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam R, the gamaka is nGRG. (AMS Ref No: 446-52)
26 JE Starts with 1 swaras below entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam d, the gamaka is p.d
27 HM Starts 1 swaras below entered note goes 1 swara above the entered note and ends 1 swara below entered note Ex: For Sankarabharanam g, the gamaka is rmr. (AMS Ref: 449-55)
28 JL Starts with entered note, goes 2 swaras above and gets down to entered note.
29 KM Starts at entered note and goes 1 swara above entered note
30 TN Starts 1 swara above entered note, goes 1 swara above it and comes down to enteed note. For Sankarabharanam r, the gamaka is gmr..
31 RP Starts 1 swara above entered note and oscilates between 1 swara above from the starting note and starting note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam m, the gamaka is p.dpd
32 JR Starts with 3 swaras above entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam n, the gamaka is Gn.
34 MV Oscillation between entered note and 1 swara above it. For Karaharapriya n, the gamaka is nsnsn
35 CK Oscillates between 1 swara above entered note and entered note.
36 ST Starts with 2 swaras below entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam d, the gamaka is m.d Similar to Jadadve
37 TP Starts with entered note and Oscillates between 2 swaras below entered note and entered note.
38 HI Oscillation between 2 swara above entered note and entered note.
39 KL Starts 1 swara below entered note, goes up to entered note and goes down to 1 swara below entered note.
40 OT Giving very slight variation at an entered note.
41 RV Oscillation vetween 1 swara above entered note and entered note. Similar to Rohini except for timing.
42 RL Oscillation between entered note and 1 swara below entered note. Ex: For Karaharapriya n the gamaka is ndnd. Similar to Rohini except for the timings
43 NVA Starts with 2 swaras above the entered note and drifts down to the entered note. This can be used for longer duration swaras with gamaka only in the initial part of swara.
44 HIA Oscillation between 2 swara above entered note and entered note.
45 RLA Oscillation between entered note and 1 swara below entered note. Ex: For Karaharapriya n the gamaka is ndnd. Similar to Rohini except for the timings
46 JRA Starts with 3 swaras above entered note and ends with entered note. For Sankarabharanam n, the gamaka is Gn.
47 KSA Starts with 1 swara below the entered note, goes up 2 swaras and ends at the entered note. Ex: For Sankarabharanam r, the gamaka is sgr.